Cultural Human Resources Council

Welcome to the
CHRC Newsletter
March 2010

In this issue!

Phase II of the Cultural Sector HR Study

The Steering Committee for the Cultural Sector HR Study met with the Conference Board of Canada consultants in late January to give final input into the first-of-its-kind comprehensive Labour Market Information (LMI) of the cultural sector. The consultants continue to refine the report and its recommendations on information gaps that will guide CHRC's research agenda in the coming months and years.

The Steering Committee also reviewed the Online Survey questionnaire that the Conference Board sent out to over 2,000 artists, cultural workers and employers in early March. Respondents choose one of five questionnaires: for employers, employees, self-employed, unemployed or volunteers/students. The survey takes about half an hour to complete. We strongly urge you to take the time to do it. It is a unique opportunity that is being offered to the sector to document the HR issues we are facing and to direct policy and programs to address them.

We also urge you to forward the survey widely. Much of its success depends on this kind of viral distribution.

The results of the online survey will feed into the HR analysis, to be validated at a Roundtable in June and released in September.

The Art of Managing Your Career modules take root

We're pleased to report that considerable interest has been shown in the recently released modules for teaching The Art of Managing Your Career (TAMYC) at the post secondary level. This is especially encouraging in Saskatchewan and Manitoba where the funds to deliver the modules are from the provincial Labour Market Agreements (LMAs) (federal funds transferred to each province to be used in training delivery).

Saskatchewan Arts Board

In Saskatchewan, the Saskatchewan Arts Board announced the Entrepreneurial Training Program, "a new pilot program based on the Cultural Human Resources Council curriculum, The Art of Managing Your Career. The program provides self-employed artists with skills, tools, self-awareness and networking resources to help them turn their art practices into sustainable, revenue-generating businesses."

Manitoba Arts and Cultural Industries

In Manitoba, Arts and Cultural Industries (ACI) announced that its workshops on TAMYC will help you to: "envision and develop a career strategy; create a business plan; market and promote your work; manage a project; manage your financial affairs; manage legal matters; communicate effectively; and develop effective business skills. The course is open to anyone with an existing arts practice including actors, craftspeople, dancers, filmmakers, musicians, new media content creators, visual artists and writers. If you are a self-employed artist, or looking to increase the portion of your employment derived from your art, then this course is for you."

Holland College

Educational institutions such as Holland College have picked it up. Computer and Media Studies instructor Alan Dowling, reports: "I will be using the core 16-module package, compressing a few of them, and replacing a couple with modules specific to the music industry, and delivering it over 12 sessions."

Toledo, Ohio

And farther a field in Toledo Ohio: "I'm in a new position [Creative Industry Development Coordinator] for the Arts Commission of Greater Toledo (Ohio) and came across your wonderful program and guide. We're at the beginning stages of developing an online toolkit and workshop series to help our local artists make a career of their artwork. I was hoping I could take a look at your Course Modules..."

LMA funds working for culture in Manitoba

As mentioned above, Labour Market Agreements (LMAs) have been signed between individual provinces and the federal government to formalize the transfer of millions of training funds dollars to the provinces. The cultural sector is trying to access these funds for training.

In Manitoba, the sector has had considerable success in using LMA funding for training delivery. They are well organized with 4 provincial sector-like councils: Film Training Manitoba, Music Manitoba, New Media Manitoba and Arts and Cultural Industries (ACI) Manitoba; and a provincial government that recognizes the importance of the cultural industries to the overall economy. In addition to using LMA funds to deliver TAMYC modules to self-employed artists as described above, Music Manitoba and Film Training Manitoba have mounted important training initiatives for their communities.

Best Practices in Manitoba

From Music Manitoba

Music Skills will train music industry workers, entrepreneurs, and artists with the business skills and industry knowledge they need to fully reach their potential for success. This exciting program will offer free, intensive, and direct training tailored to meet each individual's own career goals.

Music Management Seminar includes intensive training for employees with artist management companies, self-managed artists, and aspiring artist managers to become successful artist managers. The topics include: music publishing and law, accounting and bookkeeping, office management, publicity and marketing, and more.

Video Game Composition provides hands-on training for composers with digital composition experience, songwriters, and composers interested in working within this sub-sector. The topics include: finding work in this field, aesthetic and technical issues, working with game designers, and understanding game software.

Music Industry Personnel has been created to tailor the unique needs of workers with established music companies in Manitoba, entrepreneurs, and artists who self-manage their careers. The topics include: accounting, project management, publicity, and marketing.


From Film Training Manitoba

An HR Training Fund encourages employers to support professional development for contract workers. FTM will work with production companies to assess the skill gaps in their employees and assist companies in coordinating the necessary training including workplace essential skills assessment and training, leadership and management training, skills upgrade training, and healthy workplace initiatives.

Crew Training Labs develop Manitoba's emerging creative talent through a combination of intensive group work and mentorship. The labs are developed by Film Training Manitoba in concert with production companies and industry leaders as instructors.

Upcoming NTAC meetings

"The findings [of CHRC's Showrunner Expert Working Group for the development of the chart and profile of competencies] dovetail beautifully with the Showrunner Code (developed by the Writers Guild of Canada), and provide an exceptional breakdown of the qualities of the Showrunner. The work the Expert Working Group did was exceptional."
- David Kinahan, Director of Communications, Writers Guild of Canada.

The National Training Advisory Council for the Film and Television industry will meet on March 19 in Ottawa under the new title of the NTAC for Screen-Based Training - recognizing the reality of convergence in the industry. On this theme, participants will hear Valerie Creighton speak about the Canada Media Fund; and Benoit Dubois on how CHRC's Convergence Media course modules are being use in Quebec. The agenda also includes developing consensus on national standards for set safety and set etiquette; and reports from emerging Regional Training Organizations (RTOs) - signs of growing strength at the grassroots level of the industry.

The National Training Advisory Council for the Music Industry will meet one week later on March 26 in Ottawa. Participants will be considering key topics raised in the national strategy document: the need for business of music programs, copyright issues, professional development opportunities, and how digital technology is impacting the industry.

Expanding the TDB...

CHRC is about to launch a transformed Film and Television Training Database under the new name of the Screen-Based Media Training Database. It will include a third stream with training for Digital Media.

Compendium of hubs for Digital Media Content Creation

With support from Industry Canada, CHRC is undertaking a study to identify hubs for Digital Media Content Creation across the country. This is a follow-up to the Technology Roadmap for Digital Media Content Creation which stressed the importance of collaborative environments (which hubs represent) in the Digital Media Content Creation industry. The compendium of hubs will be a building block in the architecture of a Canadian Digital Media Network. CHRC's interest in the project is the need for training as Canada's content creators find themselves at the cutting edge of the Digital Media industry. A skills gaps analysis is the next phase of this work.

Career Focus and Building Careers in Culture

The jury for selecting successful applicants for Career Focus and Building Careers in Culture internship program is meeting in early March. Results will be announced soon after. We expect to be able to provide support to over 50 employers through the two programs.

Membership Renewal

If you haven't already done so, we encourage you to renew your CHRC membership! It is very important to have you on our roster. It demonstrates the importance the sector attaches to addressing HR issues, and gives strength and credibility to CHRC's efforts to gain government support for key projects.

Keep in touch

We urge you to keep in touch with comments, questions, suggestions, or criticisms. Our ongoing dialogue with you is vital to our success!

Susan Annis, Executive Director
Extension 22 -

Erma Barnett, Finance Officer
Extension 29 -

Geneviève Chassé, Manager, Communications and Marketing
Extension 31 -

Lucie M. D'Aoust, Sr. Project Manager
Extension 21 -

Geneviève Guilmette, Youth Internship Program Coordinator, Project Manager
Extension 28 -

Michael Lechasseur, Web Coordinator
Extension 26 -

A list of 2009/2010 Board members can be found on CHRC's web site at

Join us on

A valuable resource

Arts Consultants Canada

Members are accepted through a peer jury process. The objectives of the organization are to serve the professional development of arts consultants by providing networking opportunities with other arts consultants working in the field in Canada, and providing a forum for discussion of issues of concern to the arts and professional consultants. It also seeks to serve artists, arts organizations, funders, public policy-makers and, by extension, arts audiences in Canada by identifying a body of skilled, experienced and knowledgeable colleagues; recommending qualifications, ethics and practices for arts consultants; offering opportunities for the exchange of knowledge and development of the field; and promoting the use of experienced and qualified professionals in the field.

Cultural Human Resources Council (CHRC)
201-17 York Street, Ottawa, ON K1N 9J6
Tel. 613-562-1535   Fax 613-562-2982